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It is very important that you read this information before proceeding, as it explains certain legal and regulatory restrictions applicable to any investment in our products and services.

By clicking the ‘Accept’ button, you acknowledge that the information below has been brought to your attention and that you are a Professional Investor or Eligible Counterparty as defined under applicable legislation AND that you are NOT a US person. This website has not been approved for distribution to RETAIL INVESTORS. If you are a retail investor, we strongly recommend you seek advice from an appropriately authorised Wealth Manager or Independent Financial Advisor.

By clicking the ‘Accept’ button, you confirm that you understand that all funds are not suitable for all types of clients nor available in all jurisdictions. You understand that the information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation or investment advice.

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This website should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to conduct investment business, as defined by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 in any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom (UK). Investors who are resident in or are citizens of jurisdictions other than the UK may be subject to local restrictions.

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The information on this website has been obtained from sources that the Board of Chelverton UK Dividend Trust PLC (as Alternative Investment Fund Manager) and Chelverton Asset Management Limited (acting as Investment Adviser) believe to be correct at the date of publication, but no warranty of accuracy is given. Under no circumstances should this information or any part of it be copied, reproduced or redistributed.

We are not responsible for the accuracy of information contained within sites provided by third parties, which may have links to or from our website. Any opinions expressed are our judgment at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice. By proceeding you agree to the exclusion by Chelverton UK Dividend Trust PLC (as Alternative Investment Fund Manager) and Chelverton Asset Management Limited (acting as Investment Adviser)  of any liability in respect of any errors or omissions by Chelverton UK Dividend Trust PLC (as Alternative Investment Fund Manager) and Chelverton Asset Management Limited (acting as Investment Adviser) and any other relevant third parties.

Past performance is no guarantee to the future performance of investments. The value of investments and the income derived from them may fluctuate and you may not get back the amount originally invested.

Currency movements may also affect the value of investments. The products and services referred to on this website may not be suitable for all investors. If you are unsure as to whether the investments described in this site are suitable for you, we strongly recommend you seek professional advice from an Independent Financial Adviser. We do not offer tax advice and we recommend that all tax queries are directed at a professional of such expertise.

The contents of this website have been approved for issue in the United Kingdom by Chelverton UK Dividend Trust PLC (as Alternative Investment Fund Manager), which is registered by the FCA as a small registered Alternative Investment Fund Manager.

By continuing to access this website, you agree to our terms and conditions as stated.